Chandler Dog & Cat Surgery Services

Chandler dog cat surgery

Surgeries Available at AZ Spay & Neuter

Dental Cleanings start at $194 (includes anesthesia, ultrasonic scaling and polish)

*Antibiotics and pain medication may be recommended by veterinarian at additional charge
*Pre-anesthetic bloodwork required for animals over 5 years of age (add $78)
*Tooth extractions additional $21-150/tooth depending on difficulty of extraction and size of pet

Cystotomy (Removal of bladder stones) $600-$700

Includes IV catheter, anesthesia, pre-anesthetic blood panel, urinalysis, bladder stone analysis, Elizabethan collar, post-op pain medication, antibiotics

Pyometra (removal of infected uterus)- Dog $500-$700 depending on size of dog/ severity of infection, Cat: $350

Includes IV catheter, pre-anesthetic blood panel, post-op pain medication, antibiotics, Elizabethan collar, spay

Baby teeth extractions- Start at $90

Includes anesthesia, pain injection, antibiotic injection, removal of one deciduous (baby) tooth
*Baby teeth extractions $21/ tooth if done in addition to other surgery

Entropion (to correct inward rolling of eyelids): $350 for 1 eye, $500 for both eyes

Includes IV catheter, anesthesia, pre-anesthetic blood panel, Elizabethan collar, post-op eye medication, post-op pain medication

Mass/ tumor removal $300-$700 depending on size/ location of mass (** additional 185 if biopsy desired to determine what mass is)

Includes IV catheter, anesthesia, pre-anesthetic blood panel, Elizabethan collar, post-op pain medication, antibiotics

Mastectomy (Removal of mammary glands) $800-$1000 (add $185 for biopsy to determine if cancerous)

Includes IV catheter, anesthesia, pre-anesthetic blood panel, Elizabethan collar, post-op pain medication, antibiotics

Enucleation (eye removal) $500-$600

Includes IV catheter, anesthesia, pre-anesthetic blood panel, Elizabethan collar, post op pain medication, antibiotics

Tail amputation $400-$500 (performed only on adult animals- we do not dock puppy tails)

Includes IV catheter, anesthesia, pre-anesthetic blood panel, Elizabethan collar, post-op pain medication, antibiotics

Toe amputation $400-$500 (add $185 for biopsy if cancer suspected)

Includes IV catheter, anesthesia, pre-anesthetic blood panel, Elizabethan collar, post-op pain medication, antibiotics

Leg amputation $550-$800

Includes IV catheter, anesthesia, pre-anesthetic blood panel, Elizabethan collar, post-op pain medication

Gastropexy $750 This procedure involves suturing the stomach to the body wall to help prevent Bloat (Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus) in large breed dog

Includes IV catheter, anesthesia, pre-anesthetic blood panel, Elizabethan collar, post-op pain medication

Eyelid tumor removal- $250 and up

Includes IV catheter, pre-anesthetic blood panel, anesthesia, mass removal, Elizabethan collar, post-op pain medication, eye medication

Ear hematoma repair $350-$400

Includes IV catheter, pre-anesthetic blood panel, anesthesia, ear surgery, ear medication, Elizabethan collar, pain medication

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